
GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

It has been a slower week with plant productivity taking a dip.
Mostly sunny days with some cloud cover and wind throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 22°C – 26°C. Overnight temperatures between 5°C – 11°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is small/medium – medium. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
It has been a slower week with plant productivity taking a dip as we have experienced cooler days with some limited sunlight and stronger winds. Quality of the fruit is still good, but slightly smaller than where we ideally want to be.

QLD Pride - Posted by

Larger volumes were harvested this week due to the warmer nights and days.
Mostly sunny days with morning fog and consistent temperatures throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 24°C – 26°C. Overnight temperatures between 14°C – 18°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is excellent. Fruit size is medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
Larger volumes were harvested this week due to the warmer nights and days. We are expecting much cooler weather, especially with overnight temperatures. We anticipate lower harvest volumes for next week, but with the full moon approaching, it makes it difficult to predict, quality however, is outstanding at the moment.

SA Pride - Posted by

The houses are now set up for transplanting.
Cloudy days with showers throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 13°C - 18°C. Overnight temperatures between 4°C - 11°C.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
The houses are now set up for transplanting and our primary focus is on preparing the irrigation system and piping. Earlier next week we will begin to charge the bags with growing matter and nutrients. Transplanting has been pushed to 28/07 as we have been navigating delays with the nursery mainly due to extremely cold weather and lack of sunlight.

GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

Harvest volumes and quality should still improve within the next week.
Mostly sunny days with morning fog and consistent temperatures throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 24°C – 26°C. Overnight temperatures between 14°C – 18°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
We have experienced better weather this week with fruit improving with each pick following on from the previous rain event. Harvest volumes and quality should still improve within the next week if the weather remains consistent.

QLD Pride - Posted by

The rain didn’t give us any issues which we normally see after a rain event.
Sunny and cloudy days throughout the week with some showers. Daily temperatures between 22°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 12°C – 20°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is very good. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 3⁄4 colour.
The rain didn’t give us any issues which we normally see after a rain event like we had last week. The fruit held up extremely well and we saw minimal rain affected product. Our numbers will fade away slightly this coming week even though the overnight weather has warmed up. The quality to come over the next few weeks is looking absolutely magnificent.

SA Pride - Posted by

We have been working away as we clean and prepare for transplanting.
Mostly sunny days with some cloud cover and showers. Daily temperatures between 13°C - 17°C. Overnight temperatures between 0°C - 9°C.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
We have been working away as we clean and prepare for transplanting in a week and a half. We are on schedule and pleased with how things are progressing ahead of transplanting.

GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

We continued to receive days with rain.
Sunny and cloudy days throughout the week with some showers. Daily temperatures between 22°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 12°C – 20°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is reasonable. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
We continued to receive days with rain, which has slightly affected some of the plants and fruit. Namely in the form of radial cracking and lower harvest volumes. Both these challenges will be alleviated as we continue to harvest and expect to be back to normal within 2 weeks.

QLD Pride - Posted by

Larger volumes were harvested this week.
Cloudy days throughout the week with storms. Daily temperatures between 22°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 18°C – 19°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is exceptional. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4.
Patch 11 has been planted out and patch 12 will be done late next week. This will finish the planting for 2024. Larger volumes were harvested this week due to the full moon. We are still on a 4 day picking cycle because of our cooler nights. We had 45mm of rain early in the week. The fruit at this stage looks unaffected. Quantities should remain the same over the next week.

SA Pride - Posted by

We are solely focused on preparation for transplanting.
Mostly sunny days with some cloud cover and showers. Daily temperatures between 12°C - 17°C. Overnight temperatures between 2°C - 8°C.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
With our season completed, we are solely focused on preparation for transplanting. This preparation has mainly consisted of cleaning the houses as well as the irrigation system. We are also preparing the bags and growing matter as well as scheduling for next season.

GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

Quality of the fruit appears to be unaffected at the moment.
Some sunny days with cloudy days and storms eventuating. Daily temperatures between 22°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 12°C – 19°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
The cloudy days and storms towards the middle of the week have not helped with harvest volumes. We were initially anticipating a slight increase in harvest volumes which has obviously not eventuated, but the quality of the fruit appears to be unaffected at the moment.

QLD Pride - Posted by

Our quality at the moment is absolutely optimal & our pack outs are exceptional.
Mostly sunny days with cooler overnight temperatures. Daily temperatures between 24°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 8°C – 16°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is excellent. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
The full moon has brought on the early patches, even though the overnight temperatures have been extremely cold. We expect harvest volumes to ease up toward the end of next week. Our quality at the moment is absolutely optimal and our pack outs are exceptional with very little composite fruit. Patch 11 is due to be planted early next week.

SA Pride - Posted by

We are performing our final pick of the crops today.
Cloudy days with showers and storms. Daily temperatures between 16°C - 22°C. Overnight temperatures between 7°C - 14°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is small – small/medium. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
We are performing our final pick of the crops today, which will conclude our 2023/24 season. We have harvested larger volumes than we anticipated for the end of the season and quality has remained good. Overall, a positive conclusion to the season, especially considering the weather. All focus remains on preparation for 15th July transplanting which is on schedule.

GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

We are still seeing the plants loaded with exceptional quality fruit.
Mostly sunny days with cooler overnight temperatures. Daily temperatures between 24°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 8°C – 16°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is very good. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 colour.
The cooler overnight temperatures have continued this week. We are still seeing the plants loaded with exceptional quality fruit, but are harvesting smaller volumes as we are on a 3 day picking cycle. We are expecting warmer morning temperatures next week, which may bring on larger harvest volumes.

QLD Pride - Posted by

The cooler overnight temperatures have slowed the crops down considerably.
Sunny days throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 24°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 8°C – 14°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is excellent. Fruit size is medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
The cooler overnight temperatures have slowed the crops down considerably. Quantities are lower and will continue this way into next week. The quality is excellent and looking forward, we should have an increase in quality within the next fortnight. Currently we are on a 3 day picking cycle.

SA Pride - Posted by

We will be performing our final pick of the older crops this Saturday.
Cloudy days with showers throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 15°C - 22°C. Overnight temperatures between 7°C - 14°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is medium. Ripeness is 1⁄2 colour.
We will be performing our final pick of the older crops this Saturday as we wrap up our season. We are focussed on clean up and preparation for the 15th when we begin transplanting.

Tassie Pride - Posted by

We are performing our final pick for capsicums this week.
Cloudy days with showers and cool overnight temperatures throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 11°C - 14°C. Overnight temperatures between 0°C - 5°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good.
We are performing our final pick for capsicums this week. We have reached the end of the season and our focus at the moment is on clean up, repairs and sowing the seeds for next season. The tomatoes have slowed up as well due to the cooler weather, but we are looking forward to the new crop starting in a few weeks.

GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

It has been a quiet week as we are experiencing some cooler weather.
Sunny days throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 24°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures between 8°C – 14°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is very good. Fruit size is medium. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
It has been a quiet week as we are experiencing some cooler weather that has slowed down plant productivity. The fruit on the plants looks great, we just need them to size and colour up. The cooler temperatures have helped reduce pest activity; so all is going smoothly, but slowly.

QLD Pride - Posted by

Larger volumes harvested in the beginning of the week.
Sunny days with minimal cloud cover throughout the week. Daily temperatures ranged between 25°C – 28°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 9°C – 19°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is very good. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
Larger volumes harvested in the beginning of the week but slowed down considerably as the week progressed. This was due to the much cooler nights being experienced at the end of the week. Next week is looking to continue this way and quantities will not increase. Quality though is outstanding and all patches are looking extremely good.

SA Pride - Posted by

We have approx. 2 picks left of the fruit from the hydro houses.
Cloudy days with morning fog throughout the week. Daily temperatures ranged between 14°C - 17°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 1°C - 8°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is medium. Ripeness is 1⁄4 - 1⁄2 colour.
We have approx. 2 picks left of the fruit from the hydro houses and our season will be completed. We are continuing with our end of season cleanup and preparation for next season’s planting on 15th June.

Tassie Pride - Posted by

We have approx. 1 week left of picking capsicums.
Cloudy days with showers, wind and cool temperatures throughout the week. Daily temperatures ranged between 14°C - 19°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 3°C - 10°C.
Harvest volumes are low.
Fruit quality is good.
We have approx. 1 week left of picking capsicums and will be harvesting again in October. We have had a challenging week as recent storms have lead to damage to the glass house. Our priority at the moment is repairs and once that is complete we will begin to sow seeds for next season. We are likely to begin sowing next week if all goes to plan.