
QLD Pride - Posted by

The cool nights have virtually stopped our crops from maturing.
Cooler overnight and morning temperatures with winds throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 23°C – 26°C. Overnight temperatures between 6°C – 16°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is excellent. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
The cool nights have virtually stopped our crops from maturing. Volumes harvested this week were down by 50 – 55% compared to last week’s numbers. We are currently back to a 4 and even 5 day picking cycle. Forecast predicts warmer overnight temperatures and if this comes to fruition, quantities should increase.

SA Pride - Posted by

We are performing final preparations before transplanting.
Mostly sunny days with showers throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 13°C - 21°C. Overnight temperatures between 4°C - 10°C.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
We are performing final preparations before transplanting. We are looking to begin transplanting a portion of the houses late next week, most likely on Thursday. Unfortunately, we are running 7-10 days behind schedule. The seedlings however, are looking exceptionally good.

GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

Fruit has been maturing slowly due to the cooler nights and mornings.
Cooler overnight and morning temperatures with winds throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 23°C – 26°C. Overnight temperatures between 6°C – 16°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is medium. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
Similar to last week, it has been a slow start to the week. Fruit has been maturing slowly due to the cooler nights and mornings. Quality has held up well and we expect volumes to pick up for next week as we begin to receive warmer temperatures later this week.

QLD Pride - Posted by

We had huge numbers harvested early in the week.
Mostly sunny days with some cloud cover and wind throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 22°C – 26°C. Overnight temperatures between 5°C – 11°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is excellent. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
We had huge numbers harvested early in the week and as predicted, volumes have drastically fallen away as the week went on and going into the weekend, volumes will fall away even further. Hopefully volumes will pick up slightly going into the later part of next week.

SA Pride - Posted by

We have completed most of our preparation for the season.
Cloudy days with showers and morning fog throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 13°C - 16°C. Overnight temperatures between 2°C - 9°C.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
Currently, we are not harvesting.
We have completed most of our preparation for the season and are nearly ready for transplanting. Irrigation works have been completed, growing matter has been prepared and charged within the bags. Plants have been grafted in the nursery and we are on schedule to begin transplanting within the next 10 days.

GMT Roma Tomatoes - Posted by

It has been a slower week with plant productivity taking a dip.
Mostly sunny days with some cloud cover and wind throughout the week. Daily temperatures between 22°C – 26°C. Overnight temperatures between 5°C – 11°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is small/medium – medium. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 colour.
It has been a slower week with plant productivity taking a dip as we have experienced cooler days with some limited sunlight and stronger winds. Quality of the fruit is still good, but slightly smaller than where we ideally want to be.